Dr Matteo Luzzeri (Pt3) | Athlete Burnout | Meaning in Sport | Applied Sport Psychology | Writing Interventions | Future Research Directions



This is the third and the final part of our discussion on researching Meaning in Sport with Dr Matteo Luzzeri.

In Part 1 and Part 2 of our discussion, we explored the foundations for the study of meaning in psychology and Matteo’s empirical research.

In this last part of our discussion, we review the lessons learned from Matteo’s empirical studies. What would he do differently if he had all the time and resources?

We then explore Matteo’s experiences of doing applied work with athletes and situations when questions about meaning arise.

And very importantly, Matteo shares his thoughts on future directions in this nascent line of research on meaning in sport psychology.

Dr Matteo Luzzeri completed his doctoral dissertation in the field of sports psychology from Florida State University.

He is also a professional water skier, a coach, and hosts the highly popular Water Ski Podcast.

For Meaning in Sport Questionnaire (MSQ; Luzzeri & Chow, 2020), see Presence and search for meaning in sport: Initial construct validation.

You can follow Matteo on Twitter @DrLuzzTwitt.

Published by Noora Ronkainen

Researcher | Author | Meaningful Sport | Co-host Physical Activity Researcher Podcast

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